Tenterden - Northiam - Bodiam
Kent & East Sussex Railway

Locomotive Delivery Department

Its been an interesting couple of weeks, We started with three locos, came down to zero in a couple of days and are now back up to two. It has been fun with safety valves refusing to do their jobs but we are back on track with two locos ready and one awaiting its steam test.

We have a few more volunteers coming in and hope to bring the rest back at the end of the month, however, if anyone has a mad urge to come back to Rolvenden please drop me a line: David Brenchley

Its a case of it never rains but it pours, or in this case snows, mad rush to get all the locos warm when freezing temperatures were forecast over Easter and for once the weather people got it right.

Fun at the depot! Image courtesy of Liam Head












Angus Entwistle. Image courtesy of Steel-Oil-Steam (on sale via our online shop)

We welcome a newcomer to the team at Rolvenden this month; volunteer fireman Angus Entwistle (Goose) has joined the team as general dogsbody for a time, to help us before he hopes to join the RAF.  Goose has taken on the mantle of the late Dave Dee when it comes to pride and pit cleaning.

We're sure we can give him plenty of valuable life and work experience before he starts his journey to getting his wings!

David Brenchley
Locomotive Delivery Manager
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