Products have various attributes. You can search for a similar item to the one you wish to add in a number of ways, but we'll look for it here by searching for either it's code (eg the barcode) or its description by navigating to 'Price Lookup Index'
To search for a product that contains the word 'Senior' for example, type '%senior' (without the inverted commas). The % symbol acts as a wild card, seeking out any descriptions that contain the word 'senior'
We could also search in the field immediately above, using the barcode.
Having identified your particular item, double click it and then click the 'clone' button:
You'll be prompted if you want to copy the existing prices associated with the product you're cloning. Can be handy if it's the same price...
The current code is highlighted - in this case it's the barcode. So if you're new item has a barcode, enter it here. If not, add a numerical or text code with no gaps. Then enter the description in the two highlighted fields to the right.
Now click the Current Pricing tab and then View/Add Price:
The current prices (if any) are shown. If you chose not to copy prices when you cloned the original PLU, you'll need to click the new price button (circled red below), then add the inhouse price and the dates it applies from & to:
Inhouse price apply at tills, the online price apply...... to online sales! (where offered)
It's worth noting that, if a price period ends and there's not immediately a new price - i.e. there's a gap in the dates - the product cannot be sold as there's no valid price in force.
Also, note that a price of £0.00 is a valid price - the item will be free of charge!
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