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K&ESR Members e-newsletter No 75

K&ESR Members e-newsletter No 75

Kent & East Sussex Railway

Members e-newsletter No.75

Welcome to the latest edition of the K&ESR's e-newsletter

‍‍From the Chairman

As I write this, the main summer season is nearing its end. Has it been successful? It’s too early to say, but the indications are that we have run ahead of budget, although not by much. And that is despite a lot of hard work being put in by very many people. Some days have been good and very buzzy – others less so. The management team will be crunching the numbers and applying the learning to the planning of next season, something which is already well under way.


Hastings shunting at Rolvenden in early August. Image: Alan Crotty


I wrote at some length in the last edition about the way in which we are developing a strategy to take us to 2030 and beyond, and for making the most of the extension to Robertsbridge. I am not going to repeat it all here; when more work has been done we shall share our thoughts more widely and seek views.

What I will say again however, and as often as necessary, is that our costs are not always forecastable, and are rising all the time, and at an unprecedented rate. Many of these rises are completely beyond our control, and these and most of the others are being felt right across the heritage railway sector. We would be very foolish indeed not to react to this situation, and to believe that we can carry on as many of us are used to.

Class 33 runs out on passenger services for the August events. Photo: Robin Coombes


I’ll give just one example of a cost beyond our control. As many of us know, we have badgers in the Wittersham Road area. In the past few days we have been quoted a figure of over £25,000 to deal with them in accordance with current legislation. That is a lot of money, which if we do the job cannot be spent elsewhere, and an amount which could not have been forecast.

We all have our own views – many of them strongly held – on all the things we think “need” to be done, but please bear in mind that our capacity to carry them out is very limited. There is money to spend, but only on the basis of a business case and a plan to ensure that what we pay for actually does get done and to the overall benefit of the Railway. The Board is quite prepared to authorise expenditure when asked for and necess


There is an important point I need to make: safety is non-negotiable. Getting it badly wrong could get us closed down or at the least consume a lot of scarce time and resource in investigating, reporting and putting things right to the satisfaction of the authorities. This is not in the interests of the Railway, our people, or our customers. Safety is the responsibility of each and every one of us.

Finally, to close on a positive, I’m pleased to announce that Dave Raimbach has agreed to become our assistant company secretary. He will be known to many of you, and he introduces himself later in this edition. This is one of those unsung roles that is increasingly important as the world becomes more complex and we have to change with it. Thank you, Dave, for stepping up to the plate.


Simon Marsh



Steam work makes the dream work!
Driver Ian Scarlett selfies with Vivienne Davis and Kieran Wildman at Northiam before Pullman Sunday Lunch. Photo: Ian Scarlett

Special Recognition Awards

Recently you heard about the launch of the General Managers award, as well as this the volunteering committee are introducing “Special Recognition Awards.”

This new award is for Volunteers nominated by Volunteers. Whether it's someone who is retiring from a role or has achieved a lot within their role, maybe has reached a milestone separate to length of service.

If you would like to nominate someone for these awards which will be presented throughout the year, please Email and all nominations will be discussed at the Volunteering Committee Meetings and then awarded at the Next given opportunity.


Sarah Tagart

Volunteer Committee Chairman

‍Tuesday Group

Brian Richards goes up in the world! Photo: John Alexander

Recent weather has enabled us to get a significant amount of Northiam Station painted, both track side and roadside. The gardens continue to receive attention from our ‘horticulturalists’ keeping them in the best possible shape for our customers viewing.

Our biggest project for a while starts late August, where we will be replacing the ‘A’ frame and finial above the waiting room/ticket office block disabled parking end. Significant reinforcing will also be required to ensure many further years of secure roof structure.

Work began to ease removal of the old timberwork this week, now that a cherry picker has been made available. 

Steve Bunn

Tuesday Group "Social Media Manager "

Wednesday Working Group

 Sharon,Mick and Alan removing paint around some of the windows on Tenterden station building. Photo: John Holland

Much work has gone on during August and this was no different in this last week of the month, following the bank holiday.  We split up again; 3 going to Wittersham Rd to carry on painting the down section signal, Pete and Nigel at Tenterden cleaning the cobbles in front of C&W, Rob going through the tanking up line again and putting white platform lines at top of ramps, Richard on the arduous job of removing white lines on the ramp, Geoff and Fletch installing all louvres to toilet, just finishing off coat to do, then dispatched to witt Rd to assist the boss in netting off the access points to the woodstore, after hornet dispatch and tracing water line at Tenterden end of platform. 


A very special thanks to Sharon,Mick and Alan for using paint stripping guns to remove paint around some of the windows in station block ready for survey

John Holland

Wednesday Working Group

‍General Manager

Quality Control - The General Manager samples our recent introduction: on-board breakfast, Bank Holiday Monday. Image: Robin Coombes


August Highlights at Kent & East Sussex Railway


As summer slowly starts to make way for autumn, an update on all the exciting happenings during August. Despite the mixed weather, our railway has been bustling with activities, events, and unforgettable moments.

Weather Wonders:

August brought us a bit of everything when it came to weather, from bright sunshine to biblical deluges with thunder and lightning. But that didn't deter our visitors, nor was there a high fire risk, so we were able to run the timetabled Steam Service! Our well-loaded trains kept chugging along, carrying passengers who were delighted to experience the beautiful Kent and East Sussex countryside, something which we can too easily take for granted.

Customers Dine aboard Coach Diana on our daily services. Image: Robin Coombes

Cream Teas and Group Gatherings

Cream teas were in high demand, with our group bookings enjoying the picturesque scenery while indulging in some delicious treats. The feedback received prove we provide the backdrop for many memorable trips.

Vintage Bus Rally and Mystery Trip

Our vintage bus rally was a hit, bringing a touch of nostalgia to the railway. The complimentary bus trips were a favourite, giving passengers a chance to experience a nostalgic ride. The mystery trip to Rye was a great success for all those who joined it. Rye's charm and history, making it an outing to remember.

A journey to a bygone ere. Photo: Robin Coombes

Steampunk Spectacle

A highlight of the month was our first-ever Steampunk event. The atmosphere was absolutely electric, with music, stalls, and the most incredible outfits. Our visitors truly embraced the Steampunk theme, and even our staff got into the spirit of things. It was a day filled with creativity, fun, and a dash of whimsy.

Teddy Bear's Picnic

The August Bank Holiday brought us the heart-warming Teddy Bear's Picnic event. Seeing the joy on children's faces as they enjoyed this special day was a true delight. Laughter, games, and an adorable teddy bear mascot made for an unforgettable family-friendly experience.


Teddy Bears Picnic at Bodiam. Photo: Pat King
Staff enter the Steampunk spirit. Photo: Heather Packham.
Driver Paul Beale with his 4253 bear and Tenterden Teddy! Photo: Robin Coombes

Breakfast Special and Culinary Delights

One of the highlights this month was the long-awaited Breakfast Special. Restaurant Car Diana came alive, serving up delicious breakfasts to nearly 40 guests and repeating it again for brunch. From perfectly cooked meals to exceptional service, it was an experience filled with culinary delights. A big shout-out to our talented kitchen team, Sean Webb and Jo Brice, and the ever-attentive Kevin Bulled, who led the front of house team.

Fish and Chips and Ale Train:

But we didn't stop at breakfast! Our Fish and Chip Special and Real Ale Train gave passengers a taste of tradition and local flavours. The mouth-watering fish and chips paired perfectly with the charm of the railway journey, while the Real Ale Train provided an evening of camaraderie and great beers.


Hunslet as far as the eye can see... Photo: Liam Head


No. 25's Steam Test Success:

It was good to learn that Austerity No. 25 successfully passed its steam test. The hardworking team at Rolvenden has been diligently preparing this locomotive for its return to steam, and we can't wait to see it back in action.


‍As August draws to a close, we're reflecting on all these moments that made the month truly special. Thank you to the dedicated staff and volunteers, and everyone who contributed to making August a success. Now it is onto planning 2024 and our 50th Anniversary.


Robin Coombes

General Manager

‍Assistant Company Secretary

My name is Dave Raimbach, I live in Tenterden and I have recently been appointed to the role of KESR Assistant Company Secretary.

I am a retired IT Consultant -with 45 years in that business - having specialised in Information Security.

In my working life I have been both a company Director, dealing with the associated legal requirements and a consultant on a self-employed basis. 


I have worked in remote satellite sensing, developed secure IT systems for the Ministry of Defence and other government departments and worked with various banks to improve their information security both within team and alongside high-level management.


I have been a volunteer with K&ESR since February 2019; my most notable contribution to the company so far, being the sub-contract management of the overhaul of RU1987 through Arlington Fleet Services Limited.

Dave Raimbach

Assistant Company Secretary

‍‍Railcar W20 Update

W20W and W24W in distress at Worcester. Image copyright Adrian Norris, Worcester Yard 1965.

News from the Team


Steady progress has continued again this month:

  • The heavy duty cable for starting and battery charging was delivered and has been installed in appropriate, flexible conduit.

  • Fire-proof, sound-insulating board was also delivered and has been laid in the luggage van and small saloon. This has been covered by a temporary protective layer. More material will be ordered for the large saloon once all the under-floor work has been completed.

  • The first dynamo has been tested and re-installed. The second needs further attention.

  • The second, driver’s control unit has been fully refurbished following long-term storage damage and looks wonderful.
The refurbished Driver’s control unit. Photo: Neil Edwards
  • Wiring containment has been installed in the Headcorn-end cab for running and tail lights.

  • The roof has received two more coats of undercoat and final two coats of top coat.

  • Further progress has been made on the design, development and fabrication of the replacement sheet metal work for the cab ends and domes. More progress is expected soon.

Two specific requests for help:

  • Can anyone come along to show the team how to ‘scumble’?.... or even do it! This is needed in the luggage van now.

  • Longer term, is there anyone out there who can assist with measuring up and making curtains for the railcar when the time comes?

Please contact Chris Mileman for a chat. e-mail: Thank you.

Chris Mileman/Neil Edwards

W20 Group


Saturday 4th November 2023 

St Mildred's Church, Tenterden

The Annual General Meetings of the following KESR companies:-
  • Tenterden Railway Company Limited at 10.30am
  • Colonel Stephens Railway Enterprises Limited at 11.00am
  • Robertsbridge 20/20 Limited at 11.30am
  • 6619 Limited at 12.00pm
  • Kent and East Sussex Railway Company Limited at 1.30pm.

More details are available on the KESR website and by email from the Company Secretary:



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Tenterden Terrier No.1

All editions of ‘The Tenterden Terrier’ are now available to view or download from our website: to access this fascinating archive, click on the image above or visit

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Did you know that whenever you buy anything online – from your weekly shop to your holiday – you could be raising free donations for the Kent & East Sussex Railway with easyfundraising?


There are over 4,000 shops and sites on board ready to make a donation – including eBay, Argos, John Lewis, ASOS, and M&S – and it won’t cost you a penny extra to help us raise funds.


All you need to do is:


1. Go to and join for free.


2. Every time you shop online, go to easyfundraising first to find the site you want and start shopping.


3. After you’ve checked out, the retailer will make a donation to Kent & East Sussex Railway at no extra cost to you whatsoever!



There are no catches or hidden charges and we’re really grateful for your donations.

Kent & East Sussex Railway
Tenterden Town Station, Station Road,
Tenterden, Kent TN30 6HE
Registered charity 262481